Kybella®, a new option for nonsurgical neck fat reduction

KYBELLA-Product-Image neck fat submental fullness double chin

KYBELLA neck fat submental fullness non-surgical double chin

Having a double-chin is troublesome for many patients. We previously discussed some treatment options for a double-chin, otherwise known as submental fullness. Submental fullness is due to a combination of factors: skin, muscle, fat, bone, and salivary glands. Kybella®, a new treatment to reduce neck fat, is now available in cosmetic surgery offices.

Kybella® (deoxycholic acid), from the makers of Botox®, is the first and only FDA approved injectable drug that improves the appearance of submental fullness. Kybella® works by destroying fat cells in the area injected. Once destroyed, the fat is not anticipated in returning. Deoxycholic acid naturally occurs in the body to aid in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

Kybella® offers patients another option to improve the neck and jawline. – Houtan Chaboki, MD

Kybella injections are customized by the plastic surgeon or dermatologist to achieve a patient’s desired aesthetic appearance. Treatment itself is fast, and patients who have had Botox or facial fillers are already familiar with office injections. Topical anesthesia cream is first placed on the neck for several minutes. Kybella is then injected in multiple areas under the chin. Results develop gradually over time, typically 4-6 weeks after treatment with further changes up to 3 months afterward. Most patients need 2-4 treatments before they achieve their desired aesthetic appearance. Patient can resume make-up and many routine activities, such as yoga and exercise, soon after treatment.

Although Kybella® is a non-surgical treatment, patients may experience a few side effects during recovery. Patients often will have swelling and/or bruising for several days. The submental fullness gets worse before getting better over the weeks after treatment. Numbness and discomfort, similar to a toothache, are also common side effects.

Kybella® doesn’t replace cosmetic surgery options, such as neck liposuction, chin augmentation, or a facelift for patients with submental fullness. However, it can be an appropriate option for those patients with isolated neck fat who don’t want surgery.

Contact the office to see if you’re a candidate for Kybella® treatment. Dr. Chaboki is one of the few cosmetic surgeons in the DC area offering this new treatment.

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