Yearly Archives: 2022

Before and after face lift neck lift Double chin submental fullness anatomy neck fat skin muscle bone

Double Chin Treatment: Which Surgery Is Best? (Before and After Photos)

With the tremendous increase in video conferencing and social media, more patients are noticing their double chins. Fortunately, facial sculpting procedures such as liposuction, chin implants, and facelifts, can often help people define and contour their chins and jawlines for a more attractive face shape. What Is a Double Chin (Submental Fullness)? Submental fullness refers …

Potomac Plastic Surgery

How To Reduce Swelling After a Facelift & Other Facial Plastic Surgery

Swelling after cosmetic surgery and many nonsurgical aesthetic treatments is expected. Plastic surgery swelling usually resolves within a few hours to a few weeks or longer, mostly depending on the procedure performed. Tips for Reducing Swelling Cosmetic surgery patients may help reduce post-treatment swelling via a variety of methods. I've already talked about rhinoplasty swelling …
