2016 infographic from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, board certified surgeons who specialize in plastic surgery of the face, head, and neck.
Busy Washingtonians report many reasons to have plastic surgery procedures. Restore a youthful appearance, reduce signs of aging, and enhance their own natural beauty are some popular reasons to have cosmetic surgery. Other Washington DC professionals report they also like to have plastic surgery to remain competitive in the workforce.
Everyone wants to look their best, not just the politicians, diplomats, journalists, businessmen, or other Washington VIPs . Appearing mature may have an advantage in certain professions, but usually no one wants to appear “old” or “tired”. A more youthful or refreshed look at any age gives the perception of energy, which can be helpful in a work environment. A youthful vitality and self-confidence are assets both in and out of the office.
Is plastic surgery required for career advancement? No, it’s obviously not required. No plastic surgeon should suggest one needs plastic surgery to improve their career. However, if you feel you may not appear your best despite a healthy diet and regular exercise and you’ve already spent time and money on clothes, hair, etc, then plastic surgery is a reasonable next option.
Have you considered facial plastic surgery? Non-surgical treatments, such as a liquid facelift, provide the quickest recovery, while surgical procedures may have about a week for the initial healing.
Contact us and start the consultation process. From fresh graduates starting internship to seasoned C-suite executives, we start with an overview of your specific reasons for having cosmetic procedures and together develop treatments based on factors such as anatomy and recovery time.
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