Neck Lift or Neck Liposuction?

Modern plastic surgery thinking and techniques have greatly advanced to help minimize recovery while maximizing aesthetic results. A sagging neck, jowls, and extra neck fat are some of the signs of aging which trouble many Washington DC area residents. With incisions around the ears and under the chin, a facelift or neck lift can help lift and tighten the neck, but plastic surgery may not always be required for all patients. A good of amount of neck tightening can be achieved with neck liposuction alone for appropriate patients.

Neck liposuction involves a few small incisions which placed under the chin and behind both ears to reduce neck fat and sculpt the jawline. Patients wear an elastic neck support for continuously for the first several days after the procedure. Results are immediate with fat reduction and continue to improve over several weeks as the neck skin and muscle gradually tighten and lift.

Is neck liposuction alone the best option for everyone? No. However, liposuction alone is a great option for patients who need to minimize recovery time. Speak with a cosmetic surgery specialist to help determine appropriate options for you.

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