Face Lift Incisions: Which is Best?

Facelift and neck lift surgery has a long a history, with numerous incisions described in the medical literature for facial rejuvenation. Incisions have been in and around the scalp, neck, jawline, ears, forehead, and chin. Modern face lift surgery primarily focuses the incision around the ear, eventhough the neck and lower neck has the excess skin and fat.

The facelift incision may be anywhere from the temple & side burns, around the ear, and upper neck. The incision varies largely based on the age of the patient and how much lift an individual needs. The plastic surgeon will minimize the incision but maximize the lift, without creating an unnatural appearance. The face lift incision, regardless of exact location and when performed well, blends and hides from view.

Most face lift and neck lift surgeries also have a supplemental incision under the chin. This chin incision is well hidden, and is used largely to access fat in the neck for liposuction, chin augmentation, or muscle tightening.

The cosmetic outcome of directly removing skin from the neck is poor. The aesthetic outcome of neck lifting is significantly better by pulling up and out around the ears. Patients are mostly unhappy tightening muscles of the neck via a chin incision without also performing face lift incisions around the ear.

More important than the specific incision or face lift technique is the rapport and relationship you build with your plastic surgeon. For example, a northern Virginia facial plastic surgeon will be able to fully explain in-person the appropriate surgical option which is right for you, without a sales pitch or pressure.

Consultation with a face lift surgeon will provide you with a personalized face lift. Speak with more than one plastic surgeon regarding face lift surgery in northern Virginia.

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