Chin Liposuction to improve a Double Chin

Blog post - before after photos chin liposuction double chin neck fat

Before and after chin liposuction by Dr. Chaboki, a specialist in cosmetic surgery.

A double chin is considered undesirable by many. A double chin develops from a combination of factors, not just being overweight or natural aging. Some young and thin patients can have a double chin, starting from a much earlier age. Genetics play a role in one’s appearance.

A double chin is sometimes referred to as submental fullness and is commonly associated with excess neck fat. A “turkey neck” on the other hand refers to sagging neck tissue from loose neck skin and/or muscle. Patients who complain of a turkey neck may also have excess neck fat.

During a plastic surgery consultation, a physical examination can help determine the cause of double chin. The chin and neck areas are affected by factors such as skin, fat, and bone. Neck glands and muscle may also influence the appearance and contribute to fullness under the chin.

What is Chin Liposuction?

Chin liposuction is very common in plastic surgery practices and includes a broad area of the neck, jawline, jowls, and chin. Routine exercise and a healthy diet alone often can’t reduce this fat. Other terms that have been used to describe this chin procedure:

  • neck liposuction
  • submental liposuction
  • liposculpture
  • tumescent liposuction

Chin liposuction involves a single stitch under the chin and behind each earlobe to treat adequately address this broad area. The procedure takes less than an hour.

Liposuction not only addresses the extra fat that is present under the chin, but also tightens the skin. Liposuction is a minimally-invasive contouring procedure that may give facelift-like results in appropriate patients by the combined lipolysis and remodeling that occurs with the procedure.

Skin tightening and remodeling doesn’t occur immediately, but rather gradually develops over time to various degrees. Younger patients and those with thicker skin tend to tighten more, as compared to older individuals or those with thinner skin. Patients with very loose skin (i.e. turkey neck) or skin laxity will require a lower facelift or neck lift, in conjunction with liposuction, to remove skin in order to adequately achieve desired results.

Blog post - before after photos chin liposuction double chin neck fat

Before and after chin liposuction by Dr. Chaboki, a specialist in cosmetic surgery.

Can Chin Liposuction be performed alone?

Yes. Many plastic surgery procedures may be performed in isolation.

For patients with a double chin from excess neck fat, minimal skin laxity, and good bone structure, then neck liposuction alone can provide a dramatic improvement. However, plastic surgery is tailored for each individual. A trusted facial plastic surgeon will review appropriate options to help you achieve your personal goals.

Can Chin Liposuction be combined with other Cosmetic Surgery?

Yes. Many plastic surgery procedures can be combined for a more significant change in appearance.

While neck liposuction is a great option on its own, many patients choose to combine procedures for an enhanced affect. Complimentary procedures to chin liposuction include chin augmentation with an implant, cheek fat reduction, a neck lift, and a lower facelift.

Blog post - before after photos double chin neck liposuction

Before and after photograph of chin liposuction and revision lower facelift surgery by Dr. Chaboki, a specialist in cosmetic surgery.

What about Nonsurgical Fat reduction or Skin Tightening?

Nothing is as affective or has yet replaced plastic surgery, especially when it comes to the neck and chin. Nonsurgical treatments that use ultrasound, radiofrequency, or laser energy might be an alternative  for those who aren’t candidates or aren’t ready for traditional liposuction surgery. The results with energy based nonsurgical treatments tend to be more subtle and gradually develop after multiple treatments.

In addition, several plastic surgery research studies on liposuction (abdomen, arm, etc) have shown that good contour and skin contraction are achieved with traditional liposuction alone and that energy based devices don’t provide a demonstrable advantage or improvement. Read more about nonsurgical fat reduction and skin tightening such as energy based devices for the face and neck, thread lifts, or injections to dissolve fat on our blog.

Another benefit of liposuction is that it works in all skin types. Patients with reactive skin, sun sensitive skin, or darker complexions may not be candidates for energy based skin tightening treatments or some nonsurgical facelift treatments.

How is recovery after Chin Liposuction?

The procedure takes less than an hour when performed in isolation. The area is numbed with a tumescent anesthetic solution that helps reduce pain, swelling, and bruising. Very small incisions are placed under the chin and behind each earlobe which allow the plastic surgeon to reduce fat and tighten the skin of the chin, jawline, and neck.

Patients have typically reported mild tightness, pressure, or discomfort sensation after neck liposuction for the first couple days. An elastic chin support strap is worn during the initial recovery period to help enhance results and reduce swelling. Patients have returned to work very soon after the procedure, as the recovery usually has minimal bruising or swelling. Overall, recovery has been typically described as minimal by many patients. Read more about chin liposuction recovery from an actual patient of Dr. Chaboki, a specialist in cosmetic surgery.

What is the best method to reduce a Double Chin?

An evaluation by a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in a variety of face and neck procedures can help you determine what is the “best” procedure for you. Your specific anatomy (i.e. fat, skin, bone, etc), along with recovery time, budget, and medical history are some of the factors that can affect the decision between you and your plastic surgeon.

Learn more about chin liposuction. Contact the office to schedule a consultation.

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