Where are the incisions placed for facelift surgery?

Incisions for many facelift techniques, including mini lift and S lifts, are hidden within the natural contours around the ear. The facelift incision may be anywhere from the temple, sideburns, around the ear, and/or upper neck. The incision location and length vary largely based on the age of the patient and how much lift he or she needs. Dr. Chaboki will minimize the incision but maximize the lift, without creating an unnatural appearance. The facelift incision, regardless of exact location, fades from view over time.

Most facelift and neck lift surgeries also have a supplemental incision under the chin. This chin incision is well hidden in a natural crease and is used largely to access fat in the neck for liposuction, chin augmentation, or neck muscle tightening.

For more information, read our blog post on facelift incisions.

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