The sensation of nasal congestion may be due to a variety of conditions. A deviated septum is the most common cause of nasal obstruction. Enlarged turbinates is the second most common cause of breathing difficulty, and usually associated with a deviated septum. Other structural problems with the nose, such as small nostrils, weak nostrils, scarring, and a narrow or collapsed nasal valve, may also contribute to nasal obstruction. Many other conditions, such as medication side effects, allergies, irritants, chronic sinusitis, and systemic illnesses, can contribute to nasal breathing problems. The metropolitan Washington, DC area is especially problematic for people with allergies to pollen. These conditions can be treated with medicine and may not require surgery. As a rhinoplasty surgeon with extensive training in nasal surgery, Dr. Chaboki is able to identify and correct such problems. His comprehensive approach enables him to address all of the issues contributing to nasal obstruction.
Potomac Plastic Surgery: Houtan Chaboki, MD
2311 M Street, N.W. Suite 501
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 800-2085
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
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