Slimming the Face with Cheek Fat Reduction

Before and after cheek fat reduction. The face was slimmed by reducing the buccal fat via small incisions inside the mouth.

Plastic surgeons are asked to reduce fat everywhere on the body, including the neck and face. Excess fat in the face, however, is often not just due to being overweight. In fact, many patients who consider themselves with “chubby cheeks” are slim and have appropriate weight. These patients are typically born with this excess facial fat, which normally doesn’t respond to a healthy diet or regular exercise.

Patients who want to slim the face can consider cheek fat reduction surgery, also known as buccal fat reduction. The minor procedure removes a majority of this mid facial cheek fat via small incisions inside the mouth. The procedure typically takes takes less than an hour and has quick recovery.

Below is a brief operative video of buccal fat reduction performed by Dr. Chaboki. Liposuction is not performed of the face or cheeks, rather this ball of fat is gently removed.

Cheek fat reduction surgery. The buccal fat is located in the mid facial area.

One goal of buccal fat reduction is to reduce attention to the excessive chubby cheeks in the mid facial area. As a result of volume reduction from plastic surgery, the upper cheeks appear secondarily enhanced, which is desired. Plastic surgeons don’t want to create a gaunt appearance, but rather sculpt and contour the face to be more proportionate. Patients after cosmetic cheek fat surgery may also report appearing more mature and less “childish”, which is also desirable for these patients. Others have reported less cheek biting after cheek fat volume reduction surgery too.

Before and after cheek fat reduction. The face was slimmed by reducing the buccal fat via small incisions inside the mouth.

Examination by a facial plastic surgeon can help determine if one is a candidate for cheek fat reduction surgery. Your plastic surgeon may suggest other cosmetic procedures in addition to or as an alternative to cheek fat reduction as appropriate. Facial fillers injections for lower eye dark circles and upper cheek areas, facial fat transfer, chin augmentation, or Botox® jaw reduction are some other aesthetic considerations with facial sculpting.

Have you considered slimming the face and cheek fat reduction? Share your thoughts below.

4 Responses to Slimming the Face with Cheek Fat Reduction

  • Edelmira Hernandez says:

    Hi. I am interested on the buccal fat removal. Could I schedule a consultation and what’s the cost of the procedure?

    • Houtan Chaboki, M.D. says:

      Thank you for reading our plastic surgery blog. The cost of cheek surgery varies, based on many factors including

      surgeon fee
      hospital, operating room, or facility fees
      anesthesia fees
      cost of supplies or implants
      laboratory, radiology, or testing fees
      complexity of procedure
      combination procedures

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