May 2016 Newsletter

Learn how to ease recovery after your facelift procedure.

Learn how to ease recovery after your facelift procedure.

Easing Your Facelift Recovery

The results of a facelift procedure are exciting for my Washington, DC, patients and most can’t wait to complete the healing process to see a refreshed version of themselves. However, many patients are hesitant to undergo the surgery because they fear a difficult recovery process.

I completely understand this concern and always remind them that visiting a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facelift procedures will help to ensure that your recovery is swift. The proper qualifications can help minimize any potential bruising, swelling, and prolonged healing.

While I hope you feel safe with me as your surgeon, it’s always helpful to have a few guidelines to assist your recovery. Here are 5 tips to help ensure it is as smooth and comfortable as possible.

1. Follow my directions: During your consultation, I will provide you with a list of pre- and post-operative directions, which you should adhere to closely. These include restraint from tobacco and alcohol use, certain foods, and some over the counter medications both before and after surgery. You should also avoid lifting heaving objects or exerting yourself too much. Additionally, I’ll ask you to maintain a routine of medication and habits in the first few days after surgery, which will be key in your healing process and creating optimal results. Read more detailed care instructions for various procedures.

2. Prepare a space to heal: Set up a comfortable place to sit and sleep during the first few days after your surgery. Whether this is your bedroom or living room, it should be quiet and peaceful. If you have pets or care for children who need attention, you should consider hiring a pet or babysitter for a few days while you rest. Plus, children may be alarmed to see you with bandages and swollen skin. Minimizing these distractions is important.

3. Conduct research: Before surgery, you should have a clear understanding of the facelift procedure. Some patients may confuse bruising, which is a normal part of healing, with hematoma, which is complication — as this individual on RealSelf I’ll provide you with as much education as possible, but I hope you also equip yourself with as much knowledge as you can.

4. Consult your surgeon: I always encourage my patients to ask lots of questions before surgery and create an open line of communication during their healing process. They can always reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

5. Relax: The more you rest and relax for the first few days after surgery, the more comfortable your healing process will be.

Learn how Dysport™ can smooth skin and decrease the appearance of wrinkles.

Refresh Your Appearance With Dysport®

For many years I’ve been using BOTOX® Cosmetic to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for my Washington, DC, patients. While this treatment is popular among patients, there is an alternative which is comprised of the same ingredients and provides similar results.

This treatment is called Dysport, which I’m offering at my practice for the first time. Dysport, like BOTOX, works to inhibit the nerves that cause muscles to contract and cause undesirable fine lines and wrinkles. When an area is treated with Dysport, the muscles no longer contract and the appearance of wrinkles are temporarily smoothed and minimized. If you’re interested in learning more about this treatment, contact us by phone at (202) 800-2085 or online.

Learn how nonsurgical facial rejuvenation can be the perfect treatment for summer.

Rejuvenation For Summer Events

Summer is the season for events, whether they’re family reunions, weddings, or festivals. With all of these momentous occasions come photographs and memories — which is why we all want to look and feel our very best for the season.

Now is the perfect time to consider nonsurgical facial rejuvenation. Treatments like dermal fillers can help to restore lost volume in smile lines, cheeks, or under the eyes, and fill out hollowed or sunken areas that can form with age. These fillers are an excellent complement to BOTOX, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. My extensive experience in nonsurgical treatments allows me to create a more youthful, rested appearance for the patient who wants subtle, yet effective results. You’ll have people saying, “You look great!” at every event.

If you’re interested in achieving rejuvenated results without surgery, consider how BOTOX Cosmetic and dermal fillers can help. To request a consultation and discuss your candidacy together, call or contact us.

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